#illustration, #life, #photodump, Scripture, Sketchbook Tour, Uncategorized

Hello FEBRUARY {Photodump & Sketchbook Tour}

Howdy y’all! ❤

❤ And Howdy, February! ❤

WoW. Was Valentine’s Day yesterday? Seriously?

2022 is rolling on . . . kinda too quick for me, I must say 😛 😉 ❤

So. Much. Has. Happened. In two months.

Therefore . . . I figured An Unfinished Story was probably due another post ❤

So. Here we go: A badly-needed photodump & another sketchbook tour!


*Note: all of these pictures are very random, but fun 😉 ❤

{ Black & White Photos are So Lovely, in My Opinion LOL ❤ }

{ These are some lovely yellow roses my sweet Dad got my Mom ❤ }

{ This one is funny . . . I was just feeling that I might have a pretty good photo on the horizon, when my awesome younger brother lovingly decided to photobomb this one XD ❤ Oh well. }

{This is the same picture as the one above, just without his cute lil’ grin up there ❤ }

{ And one more . . . God’s florals are just SO LUSH!! Ugh . . .can’t get enough ❤ ❤ }
{This is a lovely journal I’ve been using — a gift from a sweet friend from our church ❤ Been loving using it! And a LOVE the Scripture . . . ❤ }
{ And THIS . . . (cue the drum roll) . . . is a leather journal I got for Christmas. I plan to fill it up artfully over the next few years! ❤ }

{ And, of course, you can’t help but attempt to capture a winter sunrise ❤ }

{ And hey folks we got SNOW a few weeks ago! ❤ ❤ ❤ }
{ And that’s pretty much all we got . . . but hey! Snow is snow in the south! }
{ And a lovely rose I got Saturday . . . ❤ }
{ I love airy photos. Doesn’t this seem *sorta* airy?? LOL ❤ }

And that concludes our February Photodump! ❤

Now . . . moving on . . . ❤ ❤


Once again, keep in mind that these are really random . . .

{ Cornucopia, anyone? This was back during Thanksgiving 2021 ❤ }

{ A Whimsical Lil’ Scarecrow }

{ “Hoo . . . Hoo . . . WHO is watching me?” ❤
Sorry that was corny but I had to say it LOL ❤ }

{ Valentine’s Day Doodle ❤ }

{ A snuggly lil’ squirrel snoozing in a nest of autumn glory ❤ }

{ Daddy & Daughter . . . another addition to our little “heroine series” ❤ }

{ Some cute pumpkins }

{ And here are a few sneak peeks of the illustrations I’ve completed so far for the book I’m illustrating . . . ❤ }

{ Henry the Fish ❤ }

{Planning a surprise for Mom is harder than he thought!}
{ Suddenly . . . an epiphany occurs! ❤ 😉 }

And that wraps up the sketchbook tour!

Phew! Lots of photos, lots of “happenings” . . . ❤

BUT . . . before you skedaddle just yet . . .

Here’s something to ponder ❤

I so love this promise ❤

I was sitting up late the night before last, just relishing this Truth. Human love will forever be shifting, forever be uncertain. If we bank our security and “okay-ness” on a sinking-sand source like that one, we’re just asking for heartache. No wonder we crash!

But wrap your trust around an anchor-like promise coming from the mouth of our LORD, and you’ve got peace like a river. Joy like a fountain. Love like an ocean. Even in the midst of onslaughts of trouble . . .

I have to be continually reminding myself of this. This whole concept of consciously, consistently shifting my “okay-ness” from things of temporal, maybe even questionable value to the One who makes life worth living because He gave everything for us. For you. For me. For all of us . . . . Jesus Christ makes life worth living.

I read a quote on Pinterest once, and it stuck with me.

Living life for anything else other than Jesus is like a dull or broken pencil. It’s pointless.


Now, I don’t think that was the exact wording (It’s been quite a while since I read it), but the message is the same. Being an artist and a wanna-be-writer, it stuck with me. It makes sense. We were created by God, for God, to live forever with God . . . saved by God, through the Son, Jesus Christ . . . that’s how believers ought to be living!

I hope and pray you’ll bank your worth, hope, joy and salvation in Jesus Christ. He’s the One holding your heartbeat. He’s the One who breathed the stars across the sky. He’s the One who holds the oceans in his hands, and He’s the One who died 2,000 years ago on a torturous Roman contraption called a cross and rose to life again three days later . . . for you. ❤

Let Him be you life-long Lord and lover. You won’t ever regret it.

Until next time y’all . . . ❤

4 thoughts on “Hello FEBRUARY {Photodump & Sketchbook Tour}”

  1. Wow!!! You’re art is soooo awesome!!! And the photos we’re great too!!!
    That was such a beautiful verse! And happened to be just what I needed! I was stuck in my redemption arch for a character and came over here to look at this post and there is just what I needed! Amazing!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!
    ~Kaytlin (Kayti) P.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so much, Kayti!! You are so sweet ❤ Well praise the Lord! Isn't He awesome?? He's orchestrating all kinds of things all over the world . . . So wonderful. I hope your writing project goes well!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! very gorgeous pictures of flowers, and I love the beautiful words at the end of your post Normally I don’t say much but I just had to this time.
    Lately, the mercy of God has made more sense to me and more real. It’s amazing that it’s something He wants to give us and show us. Isn’t Jesus just the most wonderful One to know AND think about? He says in Psalms that He thinks about us! What a blessing!!!!!! What a joy to know His mercies are NEW every morning.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Hannah!! ❤ ❤ Aw what an encouragement . . . Yes, strangely, that's been on my mind too lately! YES it is priceless to just be free to follow, serve, think about and know intimately our Lord and Savior . . . I hope I never take for granted that privilege!! ❤ Praise the Lord ❤ Thank you for your encouraging words!! ❤

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