
Happy June & Sketchbook Tour #1

Hey there, y’all!

It has been a challenging few weeks, but the Lord is still on His throne, and He’s still good! ❤


Can you believe it’s already midway through June?? I’m having difficulty wrapping my lil’ puny mind around it . . . not only halfway through June, but nearly halfway through 2021! Seriously, I feel like it just started. 😛 😉

Regardless, I decided it was high time to share with you all some of what has been keeping me so occupied these past few months or so.

  1. My Grandmother had been very weak following a hip fracture, and went to be with the Lord early Memorial Day morning ❤ During all of that, my family was split up for around 6-ish weeks. Hard, but worth it ❤
  2. Gardening! Ours is overproducing, thanks to all the rain. Blackberries, leaf lettuce, beans, tomatoes, radishes, etc. . . . The snow peas were way too cute (and delicious ❤ ) and finished their marathon a few weeks ago, our cucumber plant is finally taking off, the strawberries are sending out adorable little runners, the trellising beans are climbing up the bamboo trellises my brother erected for each of them (pics coming soon in another post <3), and my Dad’s apple trees are loaded! It’ll be a while before they’re ready, but they’re around the size of golf-balls (actually, probably a little bigger than golf balls) ❤
  3. I finished two art commissions! One was a watercolor piece which combined several different elements from different photos, and the other was a pencil portrait of a couple. I provided a digital version of the portrait for the lady who commissioned me, but hope to meet up someplace soon to deliver the original to her ❤ And the watercolor was commissioned by my great Aunt, so that’s special ❤ Feels good to be nearly finished with those two projects!
  4. I opened an Etsy shop ❤ I’m actively creating new products for that, and it’s a whole new world lol ❤

SO . . .

Now to the meat of the post. I hope you enjoy perusing through my sketchbook ❤ It’s not gorgeous like a lot of other girls’/artists’ are, I know, but I just wanted to share with you what’s been keeping this brain of mine busy ❤

So, that about wraps it up ❤ I hope I haven’t bored you folks too much or anything! ❤ ❤

I’m selling a few of the selected pieces featured here in my Etsy shop, and hope to sell lots more of these someday soon. I’ve had a few requests for a calendar and a children’s book based off of the pen & ink/colored pencil sketches of the little girl and her bunny . . . and I’m still praying about that/toying with the idea in my mind. If something comes of it, I’ll definitely keep y’all updated! ❤

And, if y’all have any ideas of things I could try out/experiment with, Pleeeaase tell me!! I’m always open to ideas. ❤ ❤ I love venturing into new, artsy territories, and love all the input I can get ❤

Well, that concludes this first sketchbook tour.

If y’all care to see more sometime, I’ll be happy to share them ❤

As a closing thought, being immersed in God’s creation and my own projects got me thinking. Our Lord is the Creator, the Master Artist. He designed us, the plants around us, the animals, lil’ critters and bugs, the ever-changing weather filling the atmosphere, the incredible array of stars above us at night . . . the entire universe. And it all rests in the palm of His hand.

To top it off, He loves each of us individually and knows how many hairs are growing out of our heads. If that doesn’t blow your mind, I don’t know what will.

He is the Designer, the Sustainer, the Redeemer, the Artist, the Author of Life, our Savior.

He loves you.

No matter what you are going through, He sees you in the midst of it. If you have believed in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, as your only hope for eternal life with Him, then you can rest assured that He is holding your hand throughout all of these crazy things besieging your life right now. Trust in Him. Pour your heart out to Him, because He cares and can handle it all like no one else ❤

Here’s a verse to dwell on today:

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. . . . For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Fear not, I am the one who helps you.'”

Isaiah 41:10, 13 ESV

Until next time ❤

2 thoughts on “Happy June & Sketchbook Tour #1”

  1. I really loved this post and hearing about what you’ve been up to and seeing your AMAZING ART!! 😀 Eep, I didn’t know you were such a great artist! I would love to see more of it sometime! ❤ Thanks for sharing!

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