Sketchbook Tour

October Blitz: Crafts, Adventure, & {Sketchbook Tour #3}

Hey there, y’all!

It’s . . . officially . . . OCTOBER . . .

And while I’ve desperately wanted to participate in Inktober this go around, this year has been just WAY too crazy.

Oh well. Maybe next time. ❤

(Or maybe I should just create my own challenge?)

BUT. All of that to say, October has already been a blitz, and it’s not about to be over yet!

So — today, I get to share with you three things that have been keeping me wacky busy: 1) Crafts, 2) Adventure & 3) another Sketchbook Tour!


A Project

Okay. THIS has been fun!

So . . . . . . every year, our little country neighborhood hosts a garage sale. It’s always a lot of fun, and each year it’s become more and more of a tradition.

Well, this year, our sweet neighbor who normally organizes the garage sale told us all that she couldn’t do it like she’s done it for the past few years. She contracted Covid over the summer, and while she’s recovered (Praise the Lord), it’s really taken the wind out of her.

Plus, last year’s annual garage sale was a boomer, and no one has accumulated much to sell this go around.

Although we were pretty bummed out about *not* having the sale this year, my family and I understood and were prepared to roll with it.


Not long after the onset of the glorious month of October, we got a note from another neighbor down the street. And . . . long story short, THEY were going to host/organize the sale for this year instead!

So. Game back on.

Sort of.

(We are kind of notorious for procrastinating on some things . . . ) 😉

Flash forward to October 22nd, 2021. (aka *day before garage sale* ❤ )

Amid unearthing all of the sorted-through giveaway clothes and lawn machines on our property, some of my family decided to bake brownies and cookies to sell — which sold like hotcakes last year — and my sister, who crafts handmade jewelry (and is trying to open an Etsy shop!) decided to sell some pieces she had on hand . . .

. . . and I was like, “This is when I wish I had something to sell and contribute!”

And my mother . . . who is a wonderful source of inspiration and ideas . . . has been telling me for a few years that I need to make greeting cards.

So last minute, I made a dash to a nearby craft store for supplies {*cue choir angels singing*}, and upon returning fiddled with computers, printers, and cardstock to produce some blank greeting cards ❤

So here they are! I’ve got these 4 designs bundled together on Etsy for $8.00 flat, free shipping . . .

. . . and I am so thrilled. 🙂 My sisters have already kidnapped a few of the 4-packs ❤


And . . . as for the adventuring?

The Lord let me get a job illustrating a delightful childrens’ book series! (It’s in watercolor . . . and it’s about sea creatures baking cakes ❤ ❤ ❤ ) The author has been such fun to work with and SO flexible, despite both of us having crazy schedules. So that’s a praise the Lord!

And . . .


Here are some of my recent art ramblings ❤ Plus, intermixed throughout are some sneak peeks from the illustration sketches I’ve been working on for the series ❤

Hope y’all enjoy ❤

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
    and saves the crushed in spirit.” {Psalm 34:18 ESV}

{ A sprightly young sea turtle . . . }
{ The Main Character (MC) for the Book Series . . . }
{ Our same lil’ turtle guy ❤ }
{ This is a wisp of a Hawaiian Conger Eel ❤ )
{Autumn, anyone? ❤ }
{ A moment of epiphany from our lil’ MC ❤ }
{ A Hand-Drawn Card I made for my Granddaddy ❤ }
{ I used Ink, a White Chalk Pencil & KingArt Gel Sticks. They’re quickly becoming one of my favorite mixed media additions ❤ }

Well, that about wraps up this post ❤

And to tie us all off, here’s a beautiful reminder from Scripture to mull over:

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV

All Scripture . . . not just some

As we approach the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, it’s good to keep our minds focused on the end goal of even being alive: glorifying Christ

He details in His Word that becoming like Him is the ultimate way to glorify Him. Isn’t it so nice that God gave us a Divine Handbook for becoming more and more like His Son??

The book of Titus tells us that Jesus wants a people for Himself who are “zealous for good works” { Titus 2:14 ❤ }. And the Scripture verses above plainly tell us where to look for transformation: His Word!

Whatever you do, whether it’s washing dishes, troubleshooting computer problems, babysitting, or doing school work, don’t think that your effort goes unnoticed by the Lord.

He sees your heart. He sees the things you do for others that no one else may see or notice. He is equipping you to do more “good works” — and He rewards faithfulness! ❤

When you “work heartily” and serve others for the Lord’s sake, He considers your efforts as things done unto Himself

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33 ESV

Don’t lose heart ❤

He’s worth it! ❤

Until next time . . . ❤ 😉

5 thoughts on “October Blitz: Crafts, Adventure, & {Sketchbook Tour #3}”

    1. Thank you so much, Daniel! While my cards didn’t sell (not the right market segment, I guess), my family as a whole made double what we made last year, so that’s a praise the Lord!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh, I love your art so much, Callie!! Such lovely illustrations. And congrats on the job illustrating the children’s book! Thank you for the reminder and encouragement, praise the Lord. Press on in glorifying Him!

    Liked by 1 person

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